Social Movements

Civil Society Groups Criticize Greenwashing in Taiwan

The Green Citizen Action Alliance held a press conference earlier this month aiming to call attention to “greenwashing” in Taiwan. In particular, the organization evaluated four major environmental awards, including the Taiwan Corporate Sustainability Award , Global View’s ESG Award, Commonwealth Magazine’s ESG Award, and government-run National Sustainable Development Award. These awards were criticized as lacking open, transparent, and comprehensive standards on environmental protection and handing out awards to corporations that were, in fact, polluters...


Calling For a Return to Sinocentrism in the Name of Opposing It: Responding to ‘Reconsidering Sinophone Studies’

The International Journal of Taiwan Studies, one of the flagship journals of the discipline, published an unusual piece several months ago by Flair Donglai Shi. Though framed as an attack on Shih Shu-mei’s concept of the Sinophone, the crux of the piece’s argument is effectively that Taiwan studies is insufficiently Sinocentric...